
A brownish-gray

Okay we all know that bad words are hard to come by, but I totally forgot about the word taupe. Maybe it is that it just sounds and looks so "blah." However I also think the definition "a brownish-gray" makes it sound superiorly unappealing. Also it is a very common color in hospitals and government buildings which makes me ill just thinking about it. UGH, TAUPE!


Infomercials (or informercials)(....ew even worse!) are television commercials that run for durations ranging from one minute to as long as a typical television program. Infomercials are also known as paid programming (or teleshopping in Europe). Originally, they were typically shown overnight (usually 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.) --- outside of peak hours. Some television stations chose to air such programming as an alternative to the former practice of sign-off. By 2008, most infomercial spending is during early morning, daytime, and evening hours.

Thanks wikipedia for that great description of a terrible thing. Okay so this word isn't that terrible but we all know how terrible the thing is. So that being said bring on the infomercials....

and finally...


a large bag of strong coarse materials for holding objects of bulk

Alright I like balls, duh. But I can't stand the word sack. There is something so grimy about it, it really makes me cringe. Also I know that I could have posted a myriad of actual sack photos but I found this one to be the most amusing/terrifying.



to meet at a rendezvous

As a noun, this is an acceptable, and even interesting, word. As a verb, it is absolutely terrible if only for the words created in the tense changes.

Rendezvoused? Rendezvousing? Rendezvouses? YES, these are all horrendous words.

Thank you Cathleen and Stephanie for this photographic evidence, but no thank you for introducing me to the fact that rendezvoused is an actual word.


a beet having large leaves and succulent stalks often cooked as a vegetable

I am a huge fan of vegetables, especially leafy greens. I haven't had chard (that I can remember), but I'm sure I would like it even though it clearly has the worst name ever for a vegetable. Nothing edible should sound like the word "charred", am I right?

sounds so unappetizing!

It comes in pretty colors though:


Another name for the intestine. The small bowel and the large bowel are the small and the large intestines respectively.
The word "bowel" originated from the Latin "botulus" meaning "sausage" because the outside of the intestine looked like a sausage to the Romans.

And thanks for ruining sausage for me...whomp whomp


of or relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing

Listen at your own risk. Although, I thought the pronunciation was more like "aww-ral", the Merriam Webster Man says "or-ral", which isn't too terrible.